For me it is birds, these magical wonderful beings. I read an article long ago how parrots were used to help military vets heal, where pharmacological treatments were not successful.

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"Because of freedom." I loved that. It resonated. I write to the wind, my accomplice. It whispers my secrets to whoever is receptive to them.

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Thank you for sharing Nessa!

I did feel my nervous system activated when I read the remarks that other left. I don't understand, there is an infinite number of things to read and why read something that is going to cause one to write an inflammatory remark, something hurtful, what's the point?

I did take some deep breaths as I reacted and attempted to conjure up compassion.

You are supported dear friend!

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Thank you, dear. I know. Deep breath. It feels violating but I try and think of what possible heinous things must have happened to them. Surely it is the root cause of such brain sickness. There is no other explanation.

I have much to learn on how to cultivate compassion in these settings (especially real time compassion- that takes work). Our work in healthcare helps cultivate it since there is just so much suffering. I usually find compassion afterwards though even if just a hair. It comes when I am asking the age-old getting tiring question: what is my lesson in this horrific occurrence? Sometimes I just want to put the lesson books away and process the prior lessons, you know?!

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Deep piece of writing philosophical and existential in a poetic structure a true case of seeing the meaning behind the words

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Great awe-inspiring post. Thanks for sharing.

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Ah, we say some of the same things but I read you as having more grace on the topic. Of course I am not fit judge of the situation in any case.

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The part of me with more grace writes these. There is a part of me with less grace that I try to hear and redirect. We contain such multitudes. I do think that mindfulness/meditation allows for tenderness (finally) which is healing and generative. It also helps to cultivate compassion as I think these sick and twisted humans are deeply deprived.

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We all are mandalas, each with different patterns and colors but each destined to be sands in the wind.

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I do not know if what I do is meditation in any strict sense, but I feel I have a generally agreeable sense of what sorts of ideas are toxic (bigotry, for example) and try to make certain they do not become things I adapt.

It feels at times like exploring a core in my own mind, but that doesn't really match up with what I read about meditation. Self-awareness? Conscious control over subconscious tendencies? Mind exercises? I do not normally try to name it. I try to make it a regular thing. I suppose I don't normally discuss it either.

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Presence. I’d say that’s the deepest kind of meditation.

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SO True. It is a space of peace and surrender.

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We finally did leave the U.S. and not easy with our 7 kids living there and not much interested in visiting here except for a few of them. I have an earlier post here "Why We Moved to Mexico" and I was surprised to find quite a few other ex-pats on Substack, some in the process of making the move to places like Portugal. Italy and France. There are over a million ex-pats in Mexico, perhaps dues to the proxiimity of the U.S. Some of the things I relish here every day are flowers everywhere, birds and bushes, trees and the mountains of this high desert location. We have a pair of curved-bill thrashers who visit our back yard daily. Funny birds they are. And so are we. Love to you in your work and life.

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Thank you for sharing. Mexico is a lovely country. I love the language, people, food and nature. I have traveled extensively and it's time I admit to myself that my nature does not match that of modern American life. I will check out your post. Thanks for the readership and kind words.

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