Please say hi to Dr. Stellar for me. She was one of my favorites. I always walk away with a new word. I can only imagine what rural Japan does for the soul. The photos were great. I am lacking in an infusion of nature. I need sunlight. Sounds dumb but I need a deliberate dosing daily. I love the encouraging tone of your post. Good idea’s for a better quality of life. Thank you.

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Thank you for your genuine support. I think of you as family and I am so grateful to know you. I hope to keep knowing the intergenerational wisdom that you share with the world.

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Nessa, you are such an inspiration. When I read your posts, I am both excited and calmed by your photos, beautiful words, and tips for staying healthy. I have taken many of your suggestions and have been trying to follow a healthy lifestyle and it makes all the difference in the world, both physically and emotionally. Thank you for being such a beautiful woman, inside and out, and sharing your life's journey with us. It gives me hope every day and I am honored to be your friend. Love and peace to you!

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Dawn, I am so happy to hear from you. Thank you for the kind words! It really helps me to write these and then even more to know that they have potential to bring hope. I would love to hear what works and doesn't work for you if you want to share. We each find our own tweaks and variations that work for our own unique bodies. Happy to stay connected to your even if through the air/screen waves. Happy winter solstice, dear friend.

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"The language of Mother Earth, if mastered, is a gateway for the language of our human bodies." Reminds me of the ZASP course. :). These photos are out of this world. This looks like a very nourishing and eye-opening journey!

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the tools we learned with Zen Buddhism/ZASP guiding my fingertips, I swear by it. Thanks Sarah for all your support and readership. I am so grateful for our Sangha of Wounded Healers.

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