Dear Ones,
Hi, wound care experts. Living thus far has taken quite a toll, hasn’t it? I marinate in hospital and societal toxins. Try not to drown in riptides. I institute detox routines. Goldilocks tinkering.
You know how we sat upon the setting sun and never wanted water once? Spare us a sip. It is time to sate our deepest thirst, procrastinators.
Sometimes wind buoys my bone-tired physical body.
Sometimes my legs give up on me in the name of protection.
One morning of particular subzero energy, my legs paralyzed me in the hospital parking lot. They did not want me to go in to work for the day. Can you believe that? The audacity of the pair of them! I had to ride the force of the Santa Ana winds just to get myself to the hospital entrance. Enter at your own risk.
Only 100 more trauma center days, sweet revolting body of mine.
It is no wonder Joey (my late soulmate) and the Earth share a day. Years ago, he was composted 6 feet under. Earth day. A man in the Earth day. A woman on the Earth day. My love was deposited into a frozen ground. It is no wonder I am a master gardener.
I am in a polyamorous relationship with flowers and books. I could care less what you think of that notion.
My entanglement with spring flowers right now is no accident. Ours is a therapeutic and spiritual alliance. A fellowship of being genuinely alive together. That is a hard thing to come by in our polluted human world. This land of zombies and vultures.
Nurture is my nature. Nature is my nurture. Abundance comes in many forms.

I am a bona fide science nerd. I used to love seeking answers to questions. This was back when I thought I knew the answers. I was so foolishly green then (pre-COVID).
Science is not certain. It is dynamic. Did someone tell you otherwise? I am sorry for the confusion.
A novel virus is unknown to humans. How did you expect us ID (Infectious Disease) docs to know sh*t about that enigma?
Science and healing are art forms. The mastery of the art of curiosity and the art of critical thinking.
I happen to love unknowns, don’t you? Unknowns keep me on my obligated feet. Erect and alert. Poised. Out of my comfort zone. I am ripe, bleached, and wrinkled with unknown experience by now.

No one disputes the science of the eclipse or the science of the Northern Lights, do they? Yet many dispute climate science. Peculiar behavior. Is it because it is incredibly complex science? Is it confusion? Is it the threat of losing convenience culture?
Makes me wonder:
who controls what narrative and why?
what will shift with the shift of our attention?
will our attention even have the wisdom to shift?
The words perpetrators and perpetuators are very similar. Is perpetuating a harmful act the same as perpetrating a harmful act?
May we come to our senses (aka coming alive) once and for all. Perks of coming to our senses:
tragic and beautiful heartbreak of being temporarily human
tools to face challenging present moments and stay present
awareness to walk away from harmful yet familiar ideas and systems
fortitude to turn towards something unknown and new
commitment to tweak choices from a healthier body and mind

*NESSA TIP* - Get your attention off your mind! Ditch your kerosene thoughts. Watch them float by and do not identify with them. As far as avoiding discomfort, stop drowning yourself in brain-eating amoeba-like distractions. Spend an observation day paying attention to your thoughts, choices/distractions, and body reactions. Build up your observation time each day.
Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, said that:
“Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.
Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree, we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several million human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution. Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche.”
Jung warned that such epidemics could lead to the spread of delusional ideas that threaten the stability of modern society. His insight highlights the power of unconscious forces in shaping human behavior and societies.
“Maybe you are searching amongst the branches, for what only appears in the roots.” Rumi
Thank you for your reading support and kindnesses. Support me further by slamming on the heart below. If you feel compelled to engage, please reach out or comment. Your truth is safe with me, lovebugs.
May there be peace in my Middle Eastern Motherland once and for all.
May All Beings Find Peace.
Subscribing = connecting = supporting = loving.
Nessa (born at 333 ppm)

Thank you for reading and sharing. The East is East quote is poignant. Of course I would read your post. I am always learning and reading about as many different perspectives as possible.
I have faith that our species is waking up to the realization that we are not "part of" nature but we ARE nature, and cannot go on pretending otherwise. When we contemplate dolphins and whales swimming in the oceans and giraffes and elephants walk the land, we're not just observing from the outside. We're here with them.